R-C Sportsmen’s Club NYS 16hr Pistol Permit Training Class Plus 2hr Live Fire
September 14th & 15th 2024 November 9th & 10th 2024
New pistol permit applicants are required by NYS to take a 16hr training course with 2hrs of live fire. The class will be divided into Saturday and Sunday, 9hrs each day, with the range portion taking place on Sunday. You MUST attend BOTH days and pass the written exam to receive full credit for the course. All ammunition, targets, firearm loan, eye and ear protection will be provided and is included with course registration. The course cost is $275.00 there is a non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 deposit due by one week before the date of class, if not received your seat will go to the next person on the waiting list. This course is required for NEW pistol permit applicants and anyone wishing to have their restrictions removed on their current pistol permit in NYS. It is taught by our NRA and Greene County Duly Authorized certified firearms instructors. You do NOT need to take this course if you already hold an UNRESTRICTED NYS pistol permit. Applicants must NOT be a prohibited person regarding firearm ownership (I.E., you cannot be a felon, be convicted of domestic violence, etc.) Applicants are NOT to show up under the influence of alcohol or any other drug. Topics covered will include basic firearm safety, maintenance, cleaning, safe storage, transportation, firearm-specific laws, situational awareness, interacting with law enforcement, and more. Students who do not pass the written test with an 80% and/or are unable to show the ability to safely handle and use a handgun will not pass the course. Both days are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM with a working lunch around noon (recommend you bring lunch) The instructors will give a light presentation during lunch to get through the material. Successful completion of our course will result in a certificate valid to submit with your New York State pistol permit application or removal of restrictions on an existing restricted pistol permit in Greene, and Albany, and Rensselaer Counties. You can register for is course by calling 518-756-2048 or 518-378-4179 (recommended number) please leave a message someone will get back to you. The $100.00 deposit can be sent to R-C Sportsmen’s Club P.O. Box 93 New Baltimore, N.Y. 12124 The balance of $175.00 can be paid by cash or check at the class. Class capacity is limited to 20 with a minimum of 5 Club location: 456 new baltimore rd New Baltimore, N.Y. 12142
Last Pistol Class for 2023
Would like to thank everyone that took the 16hr pistol class with 2hr live fire with the club. Also big thanks to the 4 instructors and everyone else that helped make the classes happen.